
22 septembre 2010

When I met Pixie Geldof

Tandis que je vous racontais mon voyage londonien pour l'événement Levi's, je vous apprenais également que Pixie Geldof alias Violet (son nom de scène) était l'une des égéries de la collection Curve ID.
Pour clore le récit, il ne manquait plus que ma rencontre avec Pixie, après son show mémorable.
J'ai eu l'opportunité d'échanger quelques mots avec celle que l'on connait plus comme la fille de Bob Geldof ou pour son image de it girl, mais qui se révèle aussi être une artiste prometteuse, simple et généreuse. Rencontre.

I was telling you my London trip for Levi's in a last post but I did not tell you that I met Pixie Geldof, one of the Levi's Curve ID muses, but also a talented and generous artist. Here is the interview I did with Pixie just after her concert in London for Levi's party. Interview :

How do you feel about becoming Levi’s muse ?
I feel good to be in the campaign, I don't know whether I'm a muse of Levi's yet. It is really nice to be in just because  it is a brand-new by music so it feels nice to be able to have a sort of transition from being a model and going to where I am now with musicians so as to be recognized and feel confortable with fashion.

What would be the perfect pair of jeans for you ?
Slightly high waisted, quite baggy, just like kind of the nineties.

How would you describe your fashion style ?
Quite boring (laughing). I like black, grey and things comfortable. I like things I like, I don't really care how other people feel about it, which is quite nice because it gives me the luxury of not having to get dressed up.

Did you already  get a favourite trendy item for next fall-winter ?
I really like the big shearling leather jacket with fur inside. It is lovely, I am really looking for to owning one.

What is the most important fashion advice you would give to girls, a daily advice ?
Not to worry about looking fashionable. Not to think about what you are wearing and just put it on if you feel nice.

Are you going to launch your fisrt album soon ? 
I am not even thinking about a record yet. I have not made a record and I don't know what is happening about, I'm just enjoying a very personal music right now...

32 commentaires:

  1. En effet quelle rencontre!!j'en profite pour te dire que c'est toujours un plaisir de passer sur ton blog...vraiment!Je me suis aussi permise de te rajouter dans mes favorites..

  2. Are you a reporter? I am curious about your reasons for being at the shoot! Thanks for sharing the photos :)

  3. Wow how great! She's gorgeous!


  4. Génial! Félicitations Aurélia pour ce petit trip Londonien, tu as du t'éclater dans ton univers... et Pixie, whouu! Marine

  5. Wow....!! It's cool!
    You are so lucky!!
    Come to see my new post!

  6. canon !!! a bientôt j'espère !
    ps : merci pour ton com'...! tu crois que tu pourrais me rajouter ds ta blogroll ? ;)

  7. Chanceuse!
    Thanks for sharing this interview with us^^

  8. Tu en as de la chance :) !!

    La photos de vous 2 est très belle!

    Des bisous

  9. wow how cool is that! thanks

  10. Tu as de la chance d'avoir pu la rencontrer ! Elle est vraiment jolie :)

  11. tu es tellement chanseuse de pouvoir faire ça !!!!mais c'est quoi l'évènement Levi's?

  12. j'ai bcp aimé lire ton interview! well-done!!!

  13. Nice interview!

    How great that you got to meet her and go to London! Lucky you!

  14. Pixie is rockin' those jeans. You're lucky you got to meet her!

  15. i really really like her:)

  16. We love it !!!

  17. Quelle rencontre!! ca a du être top!!

  18. Superbe ! Surtout la 1ère photo. :)

  19. super! OMG!
    great enterview!!!!
    love this post!

  20. j'adore cette pub pour lewis
    je connais l'ex patron de cet marque =)

  21. I love pixie!! She is hot!

  22. Gorgeous!!!
    lucky you!

